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Monthly Archives: May 2012

happy hour

If you are reading this, dear reader, I want to thank you. Thank you for being a faithful reader since 2010, thank you for loving my blog posts and sending me words of encouragement. If you’ve just stumbled upon my blog, then word up, welcome to the end of the beginning of my blog.

Dear readers, no friends, no interweb BFFs, I hereby announce that this is the last Ticketstubbies’ blog post. Short story, I am now a full-time Creative Copywriter and time has become an elusive concept to me. If you miss me even a fraction of how much I am going to miss you, please connect with me on LinkedIn, follow my one-forty scribbles on Twitter or flip through my portfolio at MeWriteGood.

My blog is full of reviews, previews and interviews that can still help you decide on an awesome movie before you head off to the DVD or iTunes store, or which comedian you want to see live as Sydney loves her repeat offenders. Perhaps you’d like to re-read my interviews with some pretty special people like Jack Charles, Tom Gleeson and Kitty Flanagan? Just scroll down to the bottom for categories.

I came, I saw and I saved every ticket stubbie. They will remain safe in my cookie tin box of memories. Ok, so really they are in my OfficeWorks plastic folder, but they are there. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen and good night Sydney.